Do you have a marketing results problem?

Why Results Matter

This one is pretty easy. No one wants to spend money on marketing that's ineffective. The question is, do you have the data to tell you what's working and what's not? The old adage, "50% of my advertising is wasted, I just don't know which 50%" might be good marketing, but it's not good business.  

m2M Guarantees to Improve Results

m2M's proprietary Franchise Marketing System gives franchisors and franchisees insight into the effectiveness of every dollar spent on marketing. Not just tracking clicks or responses, but real ROI that compares dollars spent to revenue generated. Unique insight like that, combined with best practice consulting, is how m2M guarantees their Franchise Marketing System will improve the results of your local marketing.

What Our Clients Say

"m2M's ability to understand our strategy and be accountable for the results has significantly increased our marketing capabilities."

Ryan Aschauer, VP of Consumer Marketing Floor Coverings International

If you answered "No" to any of the questions above...

...then you have a marketing results problem. Let’s talk about how m2M’s proprietary Franchise Marketing System is guaranteed to solve it.